Plastic Oceans Canada
Plastic Ocean Canada's mission is to inform, inspire and incite action to solve plastic pollution through its four pillars; activism, advocacy, education and science. Plastic Oceans Canada creates change by supporting and implementing programs to clean our coastlines, advocate for Canadian businesses to take impactful steps towards eliminating their plastic footprint, educating the public on plastic pollution to achieve behaviour change, and creating community involvement with its BlueCommunities initiative.
This new partner association was an opportunity for us to exam our business impact on the environment and we have since reduced our plastic waste by 50%. It’s the little things that add up and I hope to inspired individuals and small businesses alike to see this as an opportunity to help and to change. In collaboration with Plastic Oceans Canada, we have created a limited edition paddle, the design symbolically represents the plastics issue in our oceans and with this hopefully serves as a reminder of just how critical it is for us to all implement greater change.
"I have always been drawn to the ocean. Its power, its beauty, its mystery, at once leave me to reflect inward and inspire me to create. My connection to the natural world forges a deeper connection to myself and with that comes a heightened awareness of the impact that we have on our planet. I make it a point during my travels to dedicate my morning walks along the beach to cleaning up the inevitable waste that washes ashore and I’m always astonished at the magnitude of the plastic that I collect. It’s disheartening and you can’t help but feel powerless in those moments. So, when I was approached by Plastic Oceans Canada, I jumped at the opportunity to be an advocate and do what I can to help educate. I have learned that the average Canadian still uses 700 plastic bags, 720 cups, 1025 bottles and 730 straws annually.
Did you know that:
- By 2050 there will be more plastic waste than fish in the ocean.
- Over 90% of the trash floating in our oceans is made of plastic, around 46,000 pieces per square mile.
- 10% of the plastic we use yearly end up in the ocean.
- More than 5 trillion pieces of plastic are already floating in our oceans.
- Some 700 species of marine animals have been reported so far to have eaten or become entangled in plastic.
10% of each paddle sold will directly support Plastic Oceans Canada initiatives. Help us reach our goal by purchasing 1 of 50 limited edition collaborative paddles.
Plastic Oceans Canada was established in 2016 as a non-profit organization and a branch of Plastic Oceans International (based out of the US). In addition to the Canadian branch, there are Plastic Oceans branches in Chile, Mexico, Europe and Los Angeles.
Type: Ottertail Canoe Paddle
Size: 6" x 57"
Wood Type: Cherry (FSC certified and sustainably sourced in Canada)
Finish: Matte or High-gloss varnish
Made in Canada